Welcome to the Cabot Panther Foundation!

We are currently at capacity for memberships and have implemented a waitlist for new memberships.
If you are interested in becoming a member please fill out the following form and we will contact you when we are able to accept new members.
We will process the waitlist in the order that requests have been received.
Membership Waitlist Form!

Mission Statement
To support the educational purposes of the Cabot School District, including, but not limited to, funding research, education, athletic and other activities to promote public education.
Who We Are And Why We Were Formed
The Cabot Panther Foundation, Inc is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation founded in 2006. The students of the Cabot Public School District, our children, your child or grandchild, need all the help they can get to succeed in today’s world. To help these students climb to the top of their chosen fields, to help them to achieve being the very best they can be, to have all the resources they need to succeed, are just a few of the reasons the Cabot Panther Foundation was formed. Our mission is vital to our community, our school system and most importantly to the students – our children – that we serve.
Email: director@cabotpantherfoundation.org
Phone: 501-843-3363 x1059